Level 1 CFA® Exam:
Bond Analysis

Last updated: January 04, 2023

CFA Exam: Non-Investment Bond Analysis

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When conducting a non-investment bond analysis:

  • focus on the issuer’s liquidity and cash flows,
  • prepare detailed financial projections,
  • analyze debt covenants thoroughly,
  • pay special attention to the corporate structure, capital structure, and debt structure,
  • apply the equity-like approach.

CFA Exam: Non-Sovereign Bond Analysis

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When doing a non-sovereign bond analysis:

  • if dealing with general obligation (GO) bonds, focus on employment rate, per capita income, per capita debt, demographics, the tax base, volatility of revenues, etc.
  • if dealing with revenue bonds (used to finance specific projects), focus on financial aspects of the investment financed, its expected revenues, cash flows, costs, liquidity, etc.