Updated: April 30, 2024

CFA exam / Registration / Scholarships

CFA Exam Access Scholarship & Women’s Scholarship + more!

If you plan to become a CFA charterholder but you are worried it will cost you a fortune, you couldn't be more wrong. CFA Institute offers scholarships that make the exam more affordable. For all those who cannot afford full CFA Program fees awaits Access Scholarship. Also, there’s an offer for students and women.

CFA® Institute Access Scholarship Program

Access Scholarships for the 2024 CFA exams are no longer available but there were 2 scholarship application windows available. For the 2025 CFA exams, two Access Scholarship application windows can also be expected. The new CFAI. scholarship program year will most likely start in Sept 2024.

The Access Scholarship now reduces the total CFA exam registration fee to USD 300 (it used to be USD 250!).

2024 CFA Exam Access Scholarship Dates

18 Oct 2023 is the 1st application deadline (whole application window:
20 Sept – 18 Oct 2023).
You can expect a decision no later than 15 Dec 2023.

21 Feb 2024 is the 2nd application deadline (whole application window:
24 Jan – 21 Feb 2024).
You can expect a decision no later than 5 Apr 2024.

The deadlines end at midnight ET!

The first CFA exam Access Scholarship window for 2024 CFA exams opened on 20 Sept 2023 and it closed at midnight ET on 18 Oct 2023. The second CFA exam Access Scholarship window was available from 24 Jan 2024 to 21 Feb 2024, midnight ET.

These were the two Access Scholarship windows available in the 2023/2024 CFAI. scholarship program year that started on 1 Sept 2023 and ended on 31 Aug 2024. Check back here or go to your CFA Institute’s account for more info concerning the CFA exam scholarships .

See if you meet CFA exam requirements.

What's CFA Exam Access Scholarship?

Access Scholarship is a needs-based scholarship and it is intended for you particularly if you feel that the CFA exam cost is a challenge owing to your difficult financial situation. It is available to both new and continuing candidates and can be used for all exam levels.

Importantly, when awarding Access Scholarships, CFA Institute takes into account what you write in your scholarship essay. It means that it's not only your financial needs that count but also other factors such as your accomplishments, the obstacles that you need to overcome, or your personal characteristics and dedication to the CFA designation.

You are ineligible for Access Scholarship if your employer financially supports your participation in the CFA Program.

How to Apply for CFA Exam Access Scholarship?

To apply for your CFA exam Access Scholarship, you need to register at the CFA Institute website. After you create your account, you will be able to submit your application. NOTE: No changes are possible once you submit your application!

After you apply, do not register for your exam before you receive the scholarship.

register with CFA Institute apply wait for the scholarship register for your exam & make the reduced payment

If you register for your exam before you get your scholarship award decision, you'll have to pay the unreduced fee. As soon as you pay, CFA Institute will conclude that you can afford the exam and will deny you the scholarship. So, wait for your scholarship first. Then, after your Access Scholarship is awarded to you, register for your CFA exam and make the reduced payment of USD 300. Best allow two business days from the date of your scholarship award email before registering for the exam to ensure that the discounted price is reflected during checkout. No refunds are available if you register and pay for your exam the unreduced amount.

CFA exam registration = fee payment

register after the scholarship award but watch the registration deadline!

See CFA exam registration deadlines.

BTW, if you want to apply for your CFA exam scholarship as a continuing candidate, let's say for your level 2 CFA exam, you need to wait for your previous exam results before you can apply. That's because CFA candidates are considered registered until they get their exam results.

Access Scholarship:
The Biggest Cost Reduction

CFA exam Access Scholarship cuts the total exam registration cost down to USD 300 and waives the enrollment fee, which makes it the biggest exam cost reduction there is (included in the price is the enrollment fee if applicable). Other scholarships made available by CFA Institute reduce the CFA exam cost to USD 400.

The CFA exam cost without a scholarship is at least USD 940 in 2024 and it's an early-bird registration fee available only within a specified deadline. If you apply for a scholarship, you may miss this early registration fee deadline. That's why if your application is rejected, you can receive a registration fee discount for the next CFA exam (the discount should be valid for about a year).

See unreduced CFA exam fees.

If your scholarship application is rejected, you're entitled to a registration fee discount, which is equal to the early-bird CFA exam fee of USD 940 in 2024 (or USD 990 for level 1 & USD 1090 for level 3 in 2025).

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When to Use Access Scholarship?

If you are awarded the scholarship, you'll have a few CFA exam offerings to choose from. Your scholarship award expiration date should be given in the email that you'll get from CFA Institute. Read the email carefully and always stick to the deadline to use your waived enrollment fee and discounted registration fee. Most likely, you'll be able to use your scholarship for 12 months from the positive decision, which means that more than 4 CFA exam windows (offerings) may be available to you.

After you earn your Access Scholarship, make sure you use it. If you fail to use your scholarship, you may be ineligible in the future for any scholarships granted by CFA Institute.

CFA Exam Access Scholarship Essay

When applying for your Access Scholarship you are asked to provide your identification details. You also need to give your personal financial statement and explain why earning Access Scholarship is important to you. Remember that apart from your financial needs, also your personal story is of value here. When writing your CFA exam scholarship essay, try to distinguish yourself from other candidates. Think about what favors you and why CFA Institute should invest in you.



To apply, log into your account on the CFA Institute’s website.
To view the whole application form, download it.

When writing your scholarship essay, use a word processor.
Be clear, concrete, and concise.

Before you copy your essay into your application,
don't forget to check it for grammar and spelling mistakes.

CFA Institute Access Scholarship in Short:

USD 300 is all you pay for your exam

CFA exam levels: level 1, level 2, level 3

those awarded can register for 1 out of 4 or 5 upcoming CFA exam offerings

new candidate-friendly application cycle

You may apply for more than one scholarship made available by CFA Institute. It means that apart from applying for Access Scholarship you may also apply for other CFA exam scholarships, like the ones right below . If you are granted more than one scholarship for your CFA exam, the most recently awarded one will apply.

Other CFA Institute Scholarships

CFA Institute awards scholarships to individuals from specific circles strategic for the world of investment and finance. Special scholarships also support women and qualifying students. Such role-based scholarships are available to both new and continuing candidates and can be used for all exam levels.

See if you meet CFA exam requirements.

4 Types of Role-Based CFA Institute Scholarships

Here are the types of CFA exam scholarships other than the Access Scholarship (Women’s Scholarships are included):

  • Women’s Scholarships – for women not eligible for other scholarships and not yet registered for their exam
  • Student Scholarships – for students of universities and colleges affiliated with the CFA Program
  • Professor Scholarships – for full-time professors teaching finance-related subjects
  • Regulator Scholarships – for employees of entities supervising or regulating the investment management industry



CFA Exam Cost Reduced
to USD 400

With a Women’s Scholarship, the CFA exam registration fee is cut down to USD 400 (it used to be USD 350). Included in the price is the enrollment fee (if applicable). The same holds true for other role-based scholarships.

See unreduced CFA exam fees.

Women's Scholarships

Ever since CFA Institute started to offer scholarships for women, there's been a greater demand than expected. Right from the very beginning in 2017, all scholarships were always awarded way before the official deadline. Enough to say that for Dec 2020 candidates the application window for Women’s Scholarships was closed by mid-Apr 2020 (the application window was open from early Feb 2020 and the deadline wasn't for a couple more months).

Currently, the Women’s Scholarships are awarded on a “rolling” basis. It means that there’s no one fixed deadline. Instead, 2 short application windows are available, which should make the Women’s Scholarships more accessible.

2024 CFA Exam Women’s Scholarship Dates

8 Oct 2023 is the 1st application deadline (whole application window:
1 Sept – 8 Oct 2023).
You can expect a decision no later than 8 Dec 2023.

8 Feb 2024 is the 2nd application deadline (whole application window:
9 Jan – 8 Feb 2024).
You can expect a decision no later than 29 March 2024.

The deadlines end at midnight ET!

Read more about Women's Scholarship.

Applying for CFA Exam Scholarships

To apply for your CFA exam scholarship, you need to create your account at the CFA Institute website and fill in an online application.

register with CFA Institute apply wait for the scholarship register for your exam & make the reduced payment

You must not register for your exam before you obtain your scholarship.

Because CFA exam registration means fee payment, you need to wait for your scholarship first. Then, register for your exam and make the reduced payment of USD 400. No refunds are available if you register and pay for your exam the unreduced amount.

CFA exam registration = fee payment

register after the scholarship award but watch the registration deadline!

See CFA exam registration deadlines.

BTW, if you want to apply for your CFA exam scholarship as a continuing candidate, let's say for your level 2 CFA exam, you need to wait for your previous exam results before you can apply. That's because CFA candidates are considered registered until they get their exam results.

If your scholarship application is rejected, you're entitled to a registration fee discount, which is equal to the early-bird CFA exam fee of USD 940 in 2024 (or USD 990 for level 1 & USD 1090 for level 3 in 2025).

Requirements for Role-Based Scholarships

There are different requirements for different types of scholarships.

Women need to write an essay and explain why they would like to earn their scholarship.

Student Scholarships are awarded through universities and colleges affiliated with the CFA Program. As a student, you should check with your school if it’s affiliated and ask what you need to do to apply for the scholarship. Best, also ask about the rules governing the scholarship award, including the decision deadline.


OPENS 1 Sept 2023

CLOSES 31 July 2024

For university teachers, a specified number of teaching hours is required. Plus, a CV and some employment verification attachments, including a letter from the employer.

Regulator Scholarships are awarded to eligible organizations, which then offer scholarships to their employees.



To apply, log into your account on the CFA Institute’s website.
To view the whole application form, download it.

When writing your scholarship essay, use a word processor.
Be clear, concrete, and concise.

Before you copy your essay into your application,
don't forget to check it for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Role-Based CFA Institute Scholarships in Short:

USD 400 is all you pay for your exam

CFA exam levels: level 1, level 2, level 3

those awarded can register for 1 out of 4 or 5 upcoming CFA exam offerings

for women, there’s an scholarship essay to write

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Our CFA Exam Study Planner is available to candidates of all levels at groundbreaking Pay-What-You-Can prices. You decide how much you want to pay for our services. After you activate your account, you get unlimited access to our Study Planner 4.0 with study lessons inside, various level 1/level 2 study materials & tools, regular review sessions, and a holistic growth approach to your preparation. Join

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Level 1 CFA Exam in Detail
CFA Exam Registration: How to Enroll
CFA Exams in 2024 & 2025, All Dates & Levels