Updated: December 16, 2024

CFA exam / Curriculum

2023 CFA Curriculum Changes

  1. CFA Program Curriculum: Rich Source of Knowledge
  2. How Many Books for Level 1 CFA Exam?
  3. CFA Exam Learning Modules (aka. Readings)
  4. Level 2 CFA Exam Books
  5. Digital vs Print CFA Exam Curriculum
  6. 2024 Changes to CFA Exam Curriculum
  7. CFA Exam Topic Weights
  8. Summary

CFA Program Curriculum: Rich Source of Knowledge

The CFA Program curriculum is a rich source of knowledge. There’s a separate syllabus for each of the 3 levels of the CFA exam.

The syllabus is aimed at developing the key skills and abilities that investment professionals need to possess. Every level of the exam focuses on different skills and abilities and covers different areas of essential knowledge:

  • level 1 CFA exam knowledge of investment tools (comprehension)
  • level 2 CFA exam asset classes, their analysis & valuation (application)
  • level 3 CFA exam wealth planning and portfolio management (synthesis/evaluation)

2025 CFA Program Syllabus in Numbers

















10 volumes

10 topics

93 modules


10 volumes

10 topics

45 modules


7 volumes

5+1 topics

29-30 modules


Read on for more detailed info about level 1 & level 2 CFA exam books . Level 3 candidate? See our post about the level 3 CFA exam .

How Many Books for
Level 1 CFA Exam?

There are 10 level 1 CFA exam books, one book per topic. The reason why the CFA Program curriculum is divided into books is its length. All level 1 CFA exam books count around 3000 pages of study material altogether.

The first level 1 CFA exam book includes Quantitative Methods (QM). Then, there's Economics. The next book is Corporate Issuers (CI) and then Financial Statement Analysis (FSA). The fifth book is Equity and the sixth one is Fixed Income (FI). Then, come Derivatives and Alternative Investments, each in a separate book. The ninth volume covers Portfolio Management (PM) and the last book is devoted to Ethics.

Level 1 & Level 2 CFA Exam Books & Topic Order

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

Volume 6

Volume 7

Volume 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

LEVEL 1 Curriculum

Quantitative Methods


Corporate Issuers

Financial Statement Analysis


Fixed Income


Alternative Investments

Portfolio Management

Ethical and Professional Standards

LEVEL 2 Curriculum

Quantitative Methods


Financial Statement Analysis

Corporate Issuers


Fixed Income


Alternative Investments

Portfolio Management

Ethical and Professional Standards

LEVEL 1 Curriculum

Volume 1: Quantitative Methods

Volume 2: Economics

Volume 3: Corporate Issuers

Volume 4: Financial Statement Analysis

Volume 5: Equity

Volume 6: Fixed Income

Volume 7: Derivatives

Volume 8: Alternative Investments

Volume 9: Portfolio Management

Volume 10: Ethical and Professional Standards

LEVEL 2 Curriculum

Volume 1: Quantitative Methods

Volume 2: Economics

Volume 3: Financial Statement Analysis

Volume 4: Corporate Issuers

Volume 5: Equity

Volume 6: Fixed Income

Volume 7: Derivatives

Volume 8: Alternative Investments

Volume 9: Portfolio Management

Volume 10: Ethical and Professional Standards

Level 1 CFA exam books are divided into topics as shown in the table. Then, the topics are further divided into smaller portions called learning modules (aka. readings):

books (volumes) topics modules (readings)

CFA Exam Learning Modules
(aka. Readings)

A learning module is a new name for what used to be called reading. So, the 2024 CFA exam curriculum has a number of learning modules specified for each topic. The idea is for the learning modules to form digestive lessons that can be studied over one sitting. As of 2024, all of the level 1 topics in your CFA exam curriculum have been divided into a number of learning modules. Also, you can find learning modules divided into nice and concise study lessons inside our Study Planner for all level 1 topics.


Quantitative Methods Economics Corporate Issuers Financial Statement Analysis Equity Fixed Income Derivatives Alternative Investments Portfolio Management Ethics
  1. Rates & Returns
  2. Time Value of Money in Finance
  3. Statistical Measures
  4. Probability Trees & Conditional Expectations
  5. Portfolio Mathematics
  6. Simulation Methods
  7. Estimation & Inference
  8. Hypothesis Testing
  9. Parametric & Non-Parametric Tests of Independence
  10. Simple Linear Regression
  11. Fintech & Big Data
  1. Firm & Market Structures
  2. Business Cycles
  3. Fiscal Policy
  4. Monetary Policy
  5. Geopolitics
  6. International Trade
  7. FX Market & Capital Flows
  8. Exchange Rate Calculations
  1. Corporate Structures & Ownership
  2. Investors & Other Stakeholders
  3. Corporate Governance
  4. Working Capital
  5. Capital Investments
  6. Capital Structure
  7. Business Models
  1. Intro to Financial Statement Analysis
  2. Income Statement
  3. Balance Sheet
  4. Cash Flow Statement I
  5. Cash Flow Statement II
  6. Inventories
  7. Long-Lived Assets
  8. Long-Term Liabilities & Equity
  9. Income Taxes
  10. Financial Reporting Quality
  11. Financial Statement Analysis - Techniques
  12. Financial Statement Modeling
  1. Market Organization
  2. Market Indices
  3. Market Efficiency
  4. Intro to Equity Securities
  5. Intro to Company Analysis
  6. Industry & Competitive Analysis
  7. Company Analysis - Forecasting
  8. Equity Securities - Valuation
  1. Bonds Features
  2. Types of Fixed-Income Instruments
  3. Fixed-Income Issuance & Trading
  4. Bond Markets for Corporate Issuers
  5. Bond Markets for Goverment Issuers
  6. Bond Valuation
  7. Fixed-Rate Bonds: Yields & Yields Spreads
  8. Floating-Rate Instruments: Yields & Yields Spreads
  9. Term Structure of Interest Rates
  10. Risk Associated with Bonds - Introduction
  11. Yield-Based Bond Duration
  12. Yield-Based Bond Convexity
  13. Curve-Based & Empirical Fixed-Income Risk Measures
  14. Credit Risk
  15. Credit Analysis: Government Issuers
  16. Credit Analysis: Corporate Issuers
  17. Securitization
  18. Asset-Backed Securities
  19. Mortgage-Backed Securities
  1. Intro to Derivatives
  2. Forward Commitments vs Contingent Claims
  3. Derivatives – Benefits & Risks
  4. Arbitrage, Replication & Cost of Carry
  5. Forward Contracts – Pricing & Valuation
  6. Futures Contracts – Pricing & Valuation
  7. Swaps – Pricing & Valuation
  8. Options – Pricing & Valuation
  9. Put-Call Parity
  10. Binomial Valuation Model
  1. Intro to Alternative Investments
  2. Performance Calculation
  3. Private Capital
  4. Real Estate & Infrastructure
  5. Natural Resources
  6. Hedge Funds
  7. Digital Assets
  1. Portfolio Risk & Return I
  2. Portfolio Risk & Return II
  3. Intro to Portfolio Management
  4. Investment Policy Statement
  5. Behavioral Biases
  6. Risk Management
  1. Ethics & Trust
  2. The Big Picture: Code of Ethics & Standards
  3. Standards I-VII
  4. GIPS Standards
  5. Ethics Application

For every CFA exam module, there is also a more detailed list of things you should be able to do when you’re through with the module. These are the so-called learning outcomes (LOS) – note the command words used to define the skills and abilities you should acquire, e.g., describe, calculate, or identify.

All throughout the modules, you will find many bolded words and phrases. These are the words and phrases that have been defined for you in the glossary (available at the end of every volume for your convenience). There are also numerous examples, tables, figures, exhibits, and formulas. Their role is to illustrate and better describe the concepts and situations explained in the curriculum.

Each module closes up with a bulleted summary followed by practice problems (questions at the end of each module) with solutions.

Note that all the examples, tables, figures, exhibits, formulas, and practice problems are part of the curriculum and they form the required segments. Take this to heart because exam questions are often based on the examples in the curriculum or the end-of-module questions. Exam questions are also based on one or more LOS.

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Level 2 CFA Exam Books

For level 2, there are also 10 books and 10 topics. Level 2 topics are the same as level 1 topics but their order is a bit different, namely FSA is switched with Corporate Issuers. Note that level 2 Ethics no longer include the GIPSes.


Quantitative Methods Economics Financial Statement Analysis Corporate Issuers Equity Fixed Income Derivatives Alternative Investments Portfolio Management Ethics
  1. Multiple Regression – Basics
  2. Multiple Regression – Advanced
  3. Violations of Regression Assumptions
  4. Extensions of Multiple Regression
  5. Time-series Analysis
  6. Machine Learning
  7. Big Data Projects
  1. Currency Exchange Rates
  2. Economic Growth
  1. Intercorporate Investments
  2. Employee Compensations
  3. Multinational Operations
  4. Financial Institutions Analysis
  5. Quality of Financial Reports
  6. Financial Statement Analysis Techniques
  1. Dividends & Shares Repurchases
  2. ESG in Investment Analysis
  3. Cost of Capital
  4. Corporate Restructuring
  1. Equity Valuation - Basics
  2. Dividend Discount Models
  3. Free Cash Flow Models
  4. Multiplier Models
  5. Residual Income Models
  6. Valuation of Private Companies
  1. Term Structure of Interest Rates
  2. Arbitrage-free Valuation
  3. Valuation of Bonds with Embedded Options
  4. Credit Analysis Models
  5. Credit Default Swaps
  1. Forward Commitments
  2. Contingent Claims
  1. Commodities
  2. Real Estate Investments Types
  3. Public Real Estate Investments
  4. Hedge Fund Strategies
  1. ETF
  2. Multifactor Models
  3. Measuring & Managing Market Risk
  4. Backtesting & Simulation
  5. Economics & Investment Markets
  6. Active Portfolio Management
  1. The Big Picture: Code of Ethics & Standards
  2. Standards I-VII
  3. Ethics Application

Digital vs Print CFA Exam Curriculum

A digital version of your CFA exam curriculum will be available to you after you register for the exam you're about to take. You can also buy a print version of the curriculum. Then, for an additional payment (meaning in addition to your exam registration fee), you will get a pack of traditional books. Naturally, the digital curriculum is also divided into books (volumes).

Note that if you want a print version of your CFA exam curriculum, you can order it online but the price is rather high. The print curriculum costs even $299 + shipping fees. Access to the digital curriculum is included in the exam registration fee.

CFA Exam Curriculum Updates

Annual Changes to CFA Exam Syllabus

As a rule, the CFA Program curriculum changes every year for all levels of the exam. The updates are usually minor to moderate. Sometimes some more significant chunks of selected topics change.

See 2024+ CFA Program changes.

After the 2024 transition to learning modules for all level 1 topics and some quite big changes then, the 2025 changes to the CFA exam syllabus are rather cosmetic and mostly include a new standard added to Ethics and two revised a bit (which is in fact a change for all levels).

For level 2, the changes are minor throughout the curriculum with a new chapter in Alternative Investments and updates in Ethics. Also, two learning modules have been removed, one from Economics and one from FSA.


The 2025 level 1 CFA exam curriculum hardly changes compared to the 2024 curriculum. There are still 93 modules in 2025 level 1 CFA exam curriculum. No readings have been removed from the new 2025 CFA exam curriculum. A new standard in Ethics is the greatest addition. It's called Standard I(E): Competence. Also, two Ethical standards have been slightly revised.

Level 1:
2025 vs 2024 Learning Modules

  • no readings removed
  • 1 new Ethical standard
  • 2 Ethical standards slightly revised


The 2025 level 2 CFA exam curriculum is very similar to the 2024 curriculum.

There are 45 modules in 2025 level 2 CFA exam curriculum (vs 47 readings in 2024). Two readings have been removed (1 from Economics and 1 from Financial Statement Analysis) and one reading has been revised (in Alternative Investments). Also, a new standard in Ethics has been added, i.e., Standard I(E): Competence. Plus, two Ethical standards have been slightly revised.

Level 2:
2025 vs 2024 Learning Modules

  • 2 old readings removed
    • LM 10: Economics of Regulations
    • LM 17: Financial Statement Modeling
  • 1 new Standard added
    • Standard I(E): Competence
  • 3 chapters slightly revised

CFA Exam Topic Weights

Topics are given different exam weights if you compare level 1 and level 2 CFA exams. It means you will get a different number of questions for a particular topic depending on whether you’re a level 1 or a level 2 candidate (see estimated number of level 1 questions here and level 2 questions here).

CFA exam topic weights for both level 1 and level 2 are given in ranges in the table below:

2025 CFA Exam Weights

Quantitative Methods


Financial Statement Analysis

Corporate Issuers


Fixed Income


Alternative Investments

Portfolio Management


LEVEL 1 Weights











LEVEL 2 Weights












6-9% vs 5-10%

6-9% vs 5-10%

11-14% vs 10-15%

6-9% vs 5-10%

11-14% vs 10-15%

11-14% vs 10-15%

5-8% vs 5-10%

7-10% vs 5-10%

8-12% vs 10-15%

15-20% vs 10-15%

So, depending on the exam level, the focus is on different topics:

as a level 1 candidate, you should particularly focus on Ethics and Financial Statement Analysis (FSA). These are the most important level 1 topics. Also, Equity and Fixed Income are given high weights in the level 1 exam. Moreover, Fixed Income, Derivatives, and FSA are considered to be the 3 most difficult level 1 topics.

as a level 2 candidate, you should put effort into Equity, Financial Statement Analysis (FSA), Fixed Income, and Derivatives. Equity has always been important in the level 2 exam (though its weight was reduced back in 2019) and the last 3 topics are the most challenging when their difficulty is taken into account. Also, never ignore Ethics and pay attention to Portfolio Management, which gets particularly significant in the level 3 exam!

Form and Focus of the Exam

most important topics

most difficult topics

focus of the exam

form of the exam


Ethics, FSA, Eq, FI


investment tools (comprehension)

multiple choice questions


Eq, FSA, FI, Ethics, PM


asset valuation (analysis)

item sets (vignettes)


most important topics: Ethics, FSA, Eq, FI

most difficult topics: FI, DER, FSA

focus of the exam: investment tools (comprehension)

form of the exam: multiple choice questions


most important topics: Eq, FSA, FI, Ethics, PM

most difficult topics: FI, DER, FSA

focus of the exam: asset valuation (analysis)

form of the exam: item sets (vignettes)

When studying your CFA Program curriculum, you will do wisely if at the back of your mind you remember the form and focus of your exam. Both of these aspects should determine the way you prepare:

if you’re a level 1 candidate, be sure you develop a general understanding of investment tools.

if you’re a level 2 candidate, focus on asset valuation and practice your analytical skills.

Also, get accustomed to the form of the exam – test your knowledge as often as possible using exam-type questions to optimize your chances of passing the exam.

Find exam-type QUESTIONS inside our CFA Exam Study Planner:


CFA Program Curriculum – Summing Up

Let’s state it explicitly: To pass your CFA exam, you must know your curriculum well. So, if you don’t have enough time to read it from cover to cover (or from the first to last e-page), you should at least flick (or scroll) through it now and then and study the bolded bits or analyze different examples, practice problems or exhibits.

Many CFA exam candidates find it easier to absorb their curriculum if they can get some help. That's what we're for – to give you compact but comprehensive study materials that can facilitate your studying.

Now – if you use our Study Planner – you can access written study lessons for all level 1 modules (level 2 in progress) plus use printable notes and bite-sized videos available for many level 1 and level 2 readings.

Our succinct study lessons and materials:

  • give you a solid background for your further detailed study of the curriculum,
  • are easy to digest because they are based on core issues and illustrated with numerous examples,
  • are great for revision time.

Find STUDY LESSONS inside our
CFA Exam Study Planner:


About Soleadea:

Our CFA Exam Study Planner is available to candidates of all levels at groundbreaking Pay-What-You-Can prices. You decide how much you want to pay for our services. After you activate your account, you get unlimited access to our Study Planner 4.0 with study lessons inside, various level 1/level 2 study materials & tools, regular review sessions, and a holistic growth approach to your preparation. Join

Read Also:

Level 1 CFA Exam Topics
Level 2 CFA Exam Topics
2026 CFA Program Changes
