AUG 2024 Level 1 CFA® Exam in 2 Months: Is It for Me?

CFA exam / Study plans / Level 1 AUG 2024, 2-month

Level 1 CFA Exam in 2 Months


"It’s 2 months before the exam and I haven’t done much yet..." If that’s what you worry about, cheer up. Chances are not everything is lost. Read on to see if & how you can prepare for your level 1 CFA exam in just about 60 days.

How to Learn for CFA Exam in Just 2 Months?

Level 1 CFA Program Curriculum is over 3000 pages long (including end-of-reading questions), which means roughly 50 pages a day to go through over the following 60 days (without any day off).

The number of pages to cover is really huge.

If you work full-time, studying all of the content will give you a hard time and – most probably – will turn out impossible. That's why you need to make some tough calls.

Think about Economics, for example. If you look at your curriculum, this topic is quite lengthy compared to its weight in the 2024 level 1 CFA exam (now only 6-9%, which decreases from 8-12% in previous exams) but it's quite intuitive in many aspects. To economize on time, you may want to consider giving up some Economics readings (you don't have to pass each topic to pass your CFA exam). On the other hand, spend enough time and energy on the most important level 1 topics, namely Financial Statement Analysis and Ethics, because the higher the topic weight – the greater the number of topic questions per exam session (plus there's ethics adjustment).

That's our general recommendation. But to make these 2 months of study worth the effort, you have to decide what topics to focus on by yourself.

And focus you must!

First, prioritize the topics. While doing so – consider your previous knowledge of topics (any finance courses you took? work experience in finance?) and the recommendations we gave above.

Then, decide on the optimal study technique.

In the CFA Program Curriculum, you will find lots of examples, exhibits, or end-of-reading questions with solutions. You might want to concentrate on these fragments of books because they may help you acquire the required study content. They are a great source of knowledge and – very often – serve as the basis for exam questions. Moreover, exam questions are based on Learning Outcomes (LOS) defined for every reading (module).

So, when preparing for your exam: focus on different kinds of examples and problems given in the curriculum, as well as analyze the LOS instead of reading everything.

Organize Your CFA Exam Prep in 60 Days

With only about 60 days to the exam, you also definitely need a good study plan that you will strictly obey.

Here's some basic information about your AUG 2024 level 1 CFA exam in 2 months:

  • Starting date: 24 June 2024
  • Ending date: 19 Aug 2024
  • The AUG 2024 level 1 exam window lasts from 20 to 26 August 2024. So, you can have around 2 weeks of – what we call – Final Review. Basically, that's when you should do as many mock exams as possible!
  • Using our Study Planner, you can choose your topic sequence according to your needs and preferences. This is what we propose for such an intensive 2-month CFA exam course:

CFA Exam Topic Deadlines: Detailed 2-Month Schedule

Level 1 CFA Exam Topics AUG 2024 Deadline Schedule
Quantitative Methods 28 June
Portfolio Management 2 July
QM+PM Review 3 July
Financial Statement Analysis 10 July
Corporate Issuers 13 July
FSA+CI Review 15 July
QM+PM Review 15 July
Fixed Income 21 July
Equity Investments 25 July
FI+EI Review 27 July
QM+PM+FSA+CI Review 27 July
Derivatives 30 July
Alternative Investments 1 Aug
DER+AI Review 3 Aug
QM+PM+FSA+CI+FI+EI Review 3 Aug
Economics 6 Aug
Ethics 10 Aug
ECO+ETH Review 11 Aug
Final Review 19 Aug

If you set up your personalized study plan,
the deadlines will get adjusted.


  • Not everyone will be able to follow this plan – it's mainly intended for individuals with a good finance background who need some time to revise their knowledge (or the adrenaline addicts willing to take up the challenge but realistic enough to accept a possible failure).
  • It's cruel, but if you decide to follow this plan, you should forget about your private life and spend every minute of your spare time studying – study at work (make sure you don't get fired for this, though), during lunch break, while on your way to work, etc. Every minute counts! HERE'S HOW YOU CAN DO THIS :

Main Piece of Advice to Guide Your Prep

You should practice, practice, and never stop practicing. There's no time to read all of the CFA exam books page by page but you can make use of our short e-books (printable notes) available inside your study plan.

As soon as you take in the key concepts of CFA exam level 1 topics, you should do as many exam-type questions, tests, and mocks as you can. To this end, you can use:

Inside our CFA Exam Study Planner you can also find:

  • VIDEO APP with some bite-sized videos explaining many level 1 concepts,
  • TEST APP with tons of exam-type questions that can be generated into various practice tests,
  • FORMULAS APP with relevant formulas for each topic.

You can benefit from all this even when on the go! Soleadea is accessible at any moment of your day on your smartphone:

  • listen to our brief videos on your headphones,
  • generate & do short practice tests when you’ve got a minute,
  • learn or repeat formulas when you’ve got a sec.

About Soleadea:

Our CFA Exam Study Planner is available to candidates of all levels at groundbreaking Pay-What-You-Can prices. You decide how much you want to pay for our services. After you activate your account, you get unlimited access to our Study Planner 4.0 with study lessons inside, various level 1 study materials & tools, regular review sessions, and a holistic growth approach to your preparation. Join

Here’s a sample level 1 CFA exam study schedule as displayed in our Study Planner:


CFA Exam Study Planner: PLAN VIEW

FIND your Study Plan in the PLAN tab View all the weeks of your CFA exam prep, see how much you’ve done and how much is still ahead of you, as well as customize your schedule using your Study Plan personalization options and the DRAG & DROP for both topics and study weeks.


CFA Exam Study Planner: STUDY VIEW

CFA Exam Study Planner: STUDY View You will be asked to focus on your current week of studying. You will know what to study (left-hand menu) and how much to study (benchmark study times). Here, you'll also find your study lessons, including videos, tests, PDFs, etc. At the end of the week, your hard work will be evaluated (hit the SUM UP button).


CFA Exam Study Planner: PROGRESS VIEW

CFA Exam Study Planner: PROGRESS View You will be able to see your progress by topics and weeks. Each week your Chance to Pass score will go up or down.


CFA Exam Study Planner: REVIEW VIEW

CFA Exam Study Planner: REVIEW View To learn, you must review. Use the special view of your Study Planner to review your study lessons, rewatch videos, revise formulas, etc.

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UPDATED: June 24, 2024