Updated: July 04, 2024

CFA exam / 2024/2025 dates & schedule

CFA Exam Dates & Schedule

Below we present the nearest 2024 & 2025 CFA exam dates, including the Aug 2024 (all levels), Nov 2024 (level 1 + level 2), and Feb 2025 (level 1 + level 3) sittings. Because the CFA exam calendar is full of important dates, we arranged our CFA exam schedule into categories:

2024/2025 CFA Exam Dates:


LEVELS: 1, 2, 3


LEVELS: 1, 2


LEVELS: 1, 3

START DATE: 14 Nov 2023

| 8 Feb 2024 | 9 May 2024

registration for AUG 2024 | NOV 2024 | FEB 2025 exam opens

scholarship deadlines

CFA exam registration deadlines

some additional CFA exam dates:

& rescheduling deadlines

CFA Institute study
materials availability

CFA exam study planner

CFA EXAM DATE: L1: Aug,20-26

| L1: Nov,13-19 | L1: Feb,17-23

* 2024/2025 level 1 exam dates, levels 2 & 3: see below.


| Jan 2025 | Apr 2025

** CFA exam results should be released 5-7 weeks after level 1 & level 2,
6-8 weeks after level 3

NOTE: All the deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET unless stated otherwise.

1, 2, 3

CFA Exam Date Feb 2024 May 2024 Aug 2024 Nov 2024
LEVEL 1 19-25 Feb 15-21 May 20-26 Aug 13-19 Nov
LEVEL 2 n/a 22-26 May 27-31 Aug 20-24 Nov
LEVEL 3 15-18 Feb n/a 16-19 Aug n/a

MORE 2024/2025 CFA exam dates

1, 2, 3

CFA Exam Date Feb 2025 May 2025
LEVEL 1 17-23 Feb 14-20 May
LEVEL 2 n/a 21-25 May
LEVEL 3 13-16 Feb n/a



  1. As of 2021, all levels of the CFA exam are moved to computer-based testing.
  2. LEVEL 1 CFA exams are held 4 times a year > in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov.
  3. LEVEL 2 CFA exams are held 3 times a year > in May, Aug, and Nov.
  4. LEVEL 3 CFA exams are held 2 times a year > in Feb and Aug.

CFA Exam Registration Opens

AUG 2024: 14 Nov 2023 | NOV 2024: 8 Feb 2024 | FEB 2024: 9 May 2024

AUG 2024: 14 Nov 2023

NOV 2024: 8 Feb 2024

FEB 2025: 9 May 2024

The CFA exam registration usually opens on the same date for all the levels available in a given exam window (Feb, May, Aug, or Nov). As a rule, as soon as CFA Institute opens exam registration, the exam scheduling window also gets open.

When CFA exam registration is open, at first the early registration fee applies, which is lower than the standard registration fee applicable past the early registration fee deadline and before the registration closes. Also, when you want to take your CFA exam, applying for a scholarship is worth considering. CFA Institute offers different kinds of scholarships to CFA candidates.

All the important dates, including scholarship, registration, and scheduling deadlines, are provided below.

CFA Institute Scholarship Deadlines

*2024* Access Scholarship Dates

18 Oct 2023

1st CFA exam Access Scholarship window ends | START: 20 Sept 2023

21 Feb 2024

2nd CFA exam Access Scholarship window ends | START: 24 Jan 2024

For many years, if you wanted to apply for Access Scholarship, you had to plan well ahead 'cos the deadline expired in mid-September of the year before the exam you wished to take, e.g., 15 Sept 2020 was the deadline for all 2021 CFA exams.

However, CFA Institute has finally changed that. In the current Access Scholarship program year that starts on 1 September 2023 and ends on 31 August 2024, there are 2 application windows that are quite short but they are nearer to your CFA exam, which surely makes it easier to plan your CFA exam. If you are awarded the Access Scholarship, you're most likely to have 12 months from the positive decision to use your scholarship for one of the available CFA exams. This means that more than 4 CFA exam windows (offerings) may be available to you (mind, however, the timeframe and exact expiration date provided by CFA Institute in the scholarship award e-mail!).

The first Access Scholarship application window for 2024 CFA exams opened on 20 September 2023 and closed at midnight ET on 18 October 2023. The second application window started on 24 January 2024 and ended on 21 February 2024. For the 2025 CFA exams, two Access Scholarship application window can also be expected. The new CFAI. scholarship program year will most likely start in September 2024. Keep coming back for updates and set up your CFA Institute account if you want to apply for your Access Scholarship.

Other Scholarships in *2024*

8 Feb 2024

CFA exam Women's Scholarship window ends | START: 9 Jan 2024

31 July 2024

CFA exam Student Scholarship window ends | START: 1 Sept 2023

There are also other CFA Institute scholarships such as Women's Scholarships or Student Scholarships. In the scholarship program year that starts on 1 September 2023 and ends on 31 August 2024, 2 application windows for women are available. The first one closes in October 2023 and the other one opens in January 2024. If you're a student, check with your school whether you can apply. And if you're a woman, with the 2 application windows available per year, it should be easier than before to get your scholarship. If you want to apply for a dedicated scholarship, visit your CFA Institute account to check for details.

CFA Exam Registration Deadlines

AUG: 23 Jan 2024 | NOV: 16 Apr 2024 | FEB: 9 July 2024

  • AUG: 23 Jan 2024
  • NOV: 16 Apr 2024
  • FEB: 9 July 2024

early registration deadline (registration fee: from USD 940*)

AUG: 14 May 2024 |
NOV: 7 Aug 2024 | FEB: 7 Nov 2024

  • AUG: 14 May 2024
  • NOV: 7 Aug 2024
  • FEB: 7 Nov 2024

standard registration deadline (registration fee: from USD 1250*)

The early registration fee for the 2024 CFA exams increases to USD 940 (from USD 900). The standard registration fee is also up to USD 1250 (instead of USD 1200).

* For the FEB 2025 CFA exam, registration fees go up again. Importantly, not only standard registration fee is higher than the early registration fee but also level 3 candidates need to pay more than level 1 exam takers.

FEB 2025 CFA exam registration fees:

  • Level 1 early registration fee is USD 990.
  • Level 1 standard registration fee is USD 1290.
  • Level 3 early registration fee is USD 1090.
  • Level 3 standard registration fee is USD 1390.

Note that as of 2023 newcomers to the CFA Program have to pay a one-time program enrolment fee of USD 350 (USD 100 less than the previous enrolment fee). The amount is the same regardless of the CFA exam registration deadline you choose.

Scheduling & Rescheduling Deadlines

AUG: 21 May 2024 | NOV: 13 Aug 2024 | FEB: 12 Nov 2024

  • NOV: 21 May 2024
  • NOV: 13 Aug 2024
  • FEB: 12 Nov 2024

CFA exam scheduling deadline (no additional fee)

AUG: 21 July (LVL 1) / 28 July (LVL 2) / 17 July (LVL 3) | NOV: 14 Oct (LVL 1) / 21 Oct (LVL 2) | FEB: 18 Jan (LVL 1, LVL 3)

  • AUG: 21 July 2024 (LVL 1) / 28 July 2024 (LVL 2) / 17 July 2024 (LVL 3)
  • NOV: 14 Oct 2024 (LVL 1) / 21 Oct 2024 (LVL 2)
  • FEB: 18 Jan 2025 (LVL 1, LVL 3)

CFA exam re-scheduling deadline (fee: USD 250 per rescheduling)

The registration for the CFA exam is a 2-step process: first you register for your exam and pay the registration fee, then you must schedule your exam day within your chosen exam window or you won't be able to take your exam. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis.

You may also re-schedule your CFA exam before the rescheduling deadline if you pay the rescheduling fee of USD 250 (for each rescheduling!). The rescheduling option enables you to alter your exam day or test center location within your exam window. The change is possible based on seating availability. If there is no free spot at a given time – you should check regularly for seating availability. Mind, though, that every actual rescheduling costs USD 250. Moreover, be sure to get familiar with test center information (options may vary from center to center, e.g., the length of the exam window may differ).

CFA Institute study materials availability

upon registration

CFA Program Curriculum (online) + Practice Questions + Mock Exams

You will get free access to the digital version of your CFA Program Curriculum upon registration for your exam. After registration, you may also purchase a printed version for around USD 299 + the costs of shipping and customs. You may also choose to print the whole or parts by yourself.

Our printable notes for your CFA exam readings are a nice option if you want to have some printed study materials. They are in the form of e-books that you can print out and add your own notes and examples to it (we've left some dedicated space). You'll find them inside your personalized study plan .

CFAI. Practice Questions and Mock Exams are available after logging into your CFA Institute account and they are free of charge for all registered candidates. Moreover, if you opt for the full version of your CFA exam study plan at Soleadea, you'll also find lots of practice questions and tests, including mocks, inside your study schedule

When To Start My CFA Exam Prep?

Create Study Plan for FREE

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CFA exam date

AUG, 20-26 | NOV, 13-19 | FEB, 17-23

  • AUG, 20-26
  • NOV, 13-19
  • FEB, 17-23

level 1 CFA exam dates for AUG 2024 | NOV 2024 | FEB 2025 windows

AUG, 27-31 | NOV, 20-24

  • AUG, 27-31
  • NOV, 20–24

level 2 CFA exam dates for AUG 2024 | NOV 2024 windows

AUG, 16-19 | FEB, 13-16

  • AUG, 16-19
  • FEB, 13-16

level 3 CFA exam dates for AUG 2024 | FEB 2025 windows

As of 2021, for all CFA exams there's computer-based testing. Exams are composed of two sessions with an optional break in between. Each exam session lasts approx. 2 hours and 15 minutes.

For the LEVEL 1 CFA exam, you can expect 90 multiple-choice questions per session. That makes it a total of 180 questions. You'll have 1.5 minutes per question on average.

For the LEVEL 2 CFA exam, you can expect 44 multiple-choice questions per session, arranged into 11 item sets (each topped by a vignette followed by 4 multiple-choice questions). That makes it a total of 88 questions (22 item sets). You'll have ca. 3 minutes per question on average.

For the LEVEL 3 CFA exam, you can expect both open-ended (constructed response) questions and item sets (like for level 2). Altogether, there will be 11 constructed-response (essay) sets with a variable number of items/questions to be answered and 44 multiple-choice questions arranged into 11 item sets with 4 questions each. In both sessions, you'll have a mix of essay questions and item sets (example given in the table below). For both essay and item sets, the total number of points possible to score will be stated (for each item set, it's ca. 3 minutes per question on average, time for essays can vary).


CFA Exam Duration LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
pledge, tutorial, and survey 30 min 30 min 30 min
SESSION 1 2 h 15 min 2 h 12 min 2 h 12 min
no. of questions 90 questions 44 questions formed into 11 item sets 6 essay sets
+ 5 item sets
BREAK (optional) 30 min 30 min 30 min
SESSION 2 2 h 15 min 2 h 12 min 2 h 12 min
no. of questions 90 questions 44 questions formed into 11 item sets 5 essay sets
+ 6 item sets
WHOLE TESTING TIME 4 h 30 min 4 h 24 min 4 h 24 min
WHOLE EXAM DAY ca. 5.5 hrs ca. 5.5 hrs ca. 5.5 hrs

CFA exam results availability

AUG: Oct 2024 | NOV: Jan 2025 | FEB: Apr 2025

  • AUG: Oct 2024
  • NOV: Jan 2025
  • FEB: Apr 2025

CFA exam results release date

For computer-based CFA exams – results should be available approx. 5 to 7 weeks post-exam for level 1 and level 2, and 6 to 8 weeks post-exam for level 3. CFA Institute emphasizes that the same MPS procedure is still in place.

CFA exam pass rates tend to vary across levels.

Here are the most recent CFA exam pass rates:
level 1 pass rate (May 2024): 46%
level 2 pass rate (May 2024): 59%
level 1 pass rate (Feb 2024): 44%
level 3 pass rate (Feb 2024): 49%
level 1 pass rate (Nov 2023): 35%
level 2 pass rate (Nov 2023): 44%
level 1 pass rate (Aug 2023): 37%
level 2 pass rate (Aug 2023): 44%
level 3 pass rate (Aug 2023): 47%
level 1 pass rate (May 2023): 39%
level 2 pass rate (May 2023): 52%
level 1 pass rate (Feb 2023): 38%
level 3 pass rate (Feb 2023): 48%
more CFA exam pass rates

Overwhelmed with all the CFA exam dates? Set up your account at Soleadea – we'll notify you about the most important deadlines***


Published in 2018

About Soleadea:

Our CFA Exam Study Planner is available to candidates of all levels at groundbreaking Pay-What-You-Can prices. You decide how much you want to pay for our services. After you activate your account, you get unlimited access to our Study Planner 4.0 with study lessons inside, various level 1/level 2 study materials & tools, regular review sessions, and a holistic growth approach to your preparation. Join

Read Also:

2024+ CFA Program Changes
CFA Exam Registration
How to Be Motivated to Study for CFA Exam