Level 1 CFA® Exam Quantitative Methods Summary
1 year 2 months 1 week
Here you can find a summary of the level 1 CFA exam Quantitative Methods topic. This summary was prepared to complement your level 1 CFA exam study plan.
The presentation is about the time value of money and the basics of statistics and was prepared in Prezi. You can watch this summary of Quantitative Methods when you study (to grasp the key concepts) or when you review (to check if and how well you understand what you studied).
Note that you should review regularly when you study for your CFA exam, not just a month or so before the exam day. Regular revision of such a huge study content as the CFA Program Curriculum is necessary if you want to pass your exam. For more review content, visit our level 1 CFA exam review series.
TVM and Stats Presentation
HERE Watch the summary of Quantitative Methods (TVM and stats) created by our team. We hope you like it and find it useful:
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Brian replied on Permalink
Dear Soleadea team,
Are you able to share the PPT or PDF version of the presentation for ease of sharing?