Higher CFA® Exam Fees in 2024 & 2025!

CFA exam / Registration / Fees

2024 CFA Exam Fees Are Higher!


CFA Program registration for the 2024 & 2025 CFA exams is open. The 2024 CFA exam registration fee is either USD 940 for early birds or USD 1250 of the standard fee but there are also other CFA exam costs, including USD 350 of the one-time enrollment fee. See below when to register.

Note that the 2025 CFA exam registration fees are higher than the 2024 registration fees. Moreover, in 2025 CFA candidates will pay different fees depending on their exam level. The level 1 2025 early-birds fee is USD 990, while standard fee is USD 1290. The level 3 2025 early-birds fee is USD 1090, while standard fee is USD 1390. Read on for more.

  1. All CFA exam fees
  2. 2024 Level 1 CFA exam fees
  3. 2024 Level 2 CFA exam fees
  4. 2024 Level 3 CFA exam fees
  5. 2025 Level 1 CFA exam fees
  6. 2025 Level 2 CFA exam fees
  7. 2025 Level 3 CFA exam fees
  8. Minimum CFA exam cost
  9. Other CFA exam costs

All CFA Exam Fees in 2024/2025

Level 1, 2, 3

There are 3 kinds of CFA exam fees, namely:

  • enrollment fee (USD 350),
  • registration fee (early over USD 900 or standard over USD 1200), and
  • rescheduling fee (USD 250).

CFA exam fees are the same for all candidates worldwide, regardless of whether you come from the USA, the UK, India, or any other country. Currently – i.e., if you start your CFA exam adventure in 2024 – the minimum CFA exam cost is USD 3170 and it has increased from USD 3050 (due to the new registration fees). This minimum cost of USD 3170 only includes the payment for your participation in the CFA Program, i.e., your ability to take the 3 levels of the CFA exam. In other words, it does not allow for any other prep costs. And it grows in 2025...

In this blog post, we explain in detail all the fees and the overall CFA exam cost, including the CFA exam course fee, whose amount you can choose if you use our portal for additional help in your CFA exam preparation. YEP, you can decide how much you pay for some extra study materials and tools because we use the Pay-What-You-Can policy .

$350 of CFA Program
Enrollment Fee

The enrollment fee is a one-time fee of USD 350 paid when you register for your FIRST level 1 CFA exam. This cost is obligatory for you to get enrolled in the list of CFA candidates and to enter the CFA Program (which is comprised of 3 levels). It implies your commitment to the CFA Program.

Over $900 of CFA Exam
Registration Fee

In 2024, CFA exam registration fees increase. There are 2 types of CFA exam registration fees:

  • early fee of $940 (up by USD 40), and
  • standard fee of $1250 (up by USD 50).

They are the same for all 3 levels of the CFA exam. See below for the deadlines applicable to your exam.

In 2025, CFA exam registration fees increase again. There are also 2 types of CFA exam registration fees but they depend on the exam level you take:

  • level 1 early fee of $990 (up by USD 50),
  • level 3 early fee of $1090 (up by USD 150),
  • level 1 standard fee of $1290 (up by USD 40), and
  • level 3 standard fee of $1390 (up by USD 140).

As of 2025, the registration fees are NOT the same for all 3 levels of the CFA exam. Probably, level 2 2025 CFA exam registration fees will be somewhere in between the level 1 and level 3 values but it will be clear when the May 2025 CFA exam registration opens. See below for the deadlines applicable to your 2025 exam.

$250 of CFA Exam
Rescheduling Fee

The CFA exam rescheduling fee is a new fee introduced for CBT exams (all levels). Its purpose is to make the rescheduling of your CFA exam appointment possible even after the registration and scheduling periods for your exam have been closed.

Each rescheduling of your appointment will cost you USD 250. Costs aside, it’s good that CFA Institute provides such an option. Why? CBT exams will be held within a longer exam window (not on one single day as it was before). You’ll need to decide when exactly to take your exam and then self-schedule using the so-called ProScheduler available on a dedicated platform. The problem is your ideal date and test center may be already taken. That’s one example when the rescheduling option may come in handy. You may still try to change your exam date and/or test center if the one you initially chose is not the most convenient. Mind that the exam scheduling is done on the first come, first served basis so it may not be the best idea to delay your exam appointment reservation.

For your CFA exam, you need to:

  1. register + pay the applicable fees
  2. schedule your exam (no payment)
  3. reschedule, if you wish, after making an additional payment ($250 each re-appointment)

2024 Level 1 CFA Exam Fees and Deadlines

Registration for 2024 level 1 CFA exams is now open. In 2024, 4 level 1 exam windows are available to CFA candidates, in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov. The exact CFA exam registration fee depends on when you register for your exam:

The deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET.

FEB 2024 CFA exam registration window was closed on 8 Nov 2023.

Feb 2024 Level 1 Fees WHEN?
$350 enrollment fee at registration if applicable
$940 early registration fee until 13 July 2023
$1250 standard registration fee until 8 Nov 2023
$250 rescheduling fee until 20 Jan 2024

Feb 2024 Level 1 scheduling window: 16 May – 21 Nov 2023 | L1 EXAM: 19-25 Feb 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 29 Sept 2023

MAY 2024 CFA exam registration window was closed on 6 Feb 2024.

May 2024 Level 1 Fees WHEN?
$350 enrollment fee at registration if applicable
$940 early registration fee until 12 Oct 2023
$1250 standard registration fee until 6 Feb 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 15 Apr 2024

May 2024 Level 1 scheduling window: 15 Aug 2023 – 14 Feb 2024 | L1 EXAM: 15-21 May 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 Dec 2023

AUG 2024 CFA exam registration window closed on 14 May 2023.

Aug 2024 Level 1 Fees WHEN?
$350 enrollment fee at registration if applicable
$940 early registration fee until 23 Jan 2024
$1250 standard registration fee until 14 May 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 21 July 2024

Aug 2024 Level 1 scheduling window: 14 Nov 2023 – 21 May 2024 | L1 EXAM: 20-26 Aug 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 4 Apr 2024

NOV 2024 CFA exam registration window closes on 7 Aug 2024.

Nov 2024 Level 1 Fees WHEN?
$350 enrollment fee at registration if applicable
$940 early registration fee until 16 Apr 2024
$1250 standard registration fee until 7 Aug 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 14 Oct 2024

Nov 2024 Level 1 scheduling window: 8 Feb – 13 Aug 2024 | L1 EXAM: 13-19 Nov 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 June 2024

Level 2 and Level 3 CFA Exam Fees

For level 2 and level 3 CFA exams, there’s no enrollment fee. However, you need to pay your registration fee, which always depends on when you register. The 2024 CFA exam registration fees and deadlines are given below.

2024 Level 2 CFA Exam Fees and Deadlines

The deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET.

MAY 2024 CFA exam registration window was closed on 6 Feb 2024.

May 2024 Level 2 Fees WHEN?
$940 early registration fee until 12 Oct 2023
$1250 standard registration fee until 6 Feb 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 22 Apr 2024

May 2024 Level 2 scheduling window: 15 Aug 2023 – 14 Feb 2024 | L2 EXAM: 22-26 May 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 Dec 2023

AUG 2024 CFA exam registration window closed on 14 May 2024.

Aug 2024 Level 2 Fees WHEN?
$940 early registration fee until 23 Jan 2024
$1250 standard registration fee until 14 May 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 28 July 2024

Aug 2024 Level 2 scheduling window: 14 Nov 2023 – 21 May 2024 | L2 EXAM: 27-31 Aug 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 4 Apr 2024

NOV 2024 CFA exam registration window closes on 7 Aug 2024.

Nov 2024 Level 2 Fees WHEN?
$940 early registration fee until 16 Apr 2024
$1250 standard registration fee until 7 Aug 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 21 Oct 2024

Nov 2024 Level 2 scheduling window: 8 Feb – 13 Aug 2024 | L2 EXAM: 20-24 Nov 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 June 2024

2024 Level 3 CFA Exam Fees and Deadlines

The deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET.

FEB 2024 CFA exam registration window was closed on 8 Nov 2023.

Feb 2024 Level 3 Fees WHEN?
$940 early registration fee until 13 July 2023
$1250 standard registration fee until 8 Nov 2023
$250 rescheduling fee until 16 Jan 2024

Feb 2024 Level 3 scheduling window: 16 May – 21 Nov 2023 | L3 EXAM: 15-18 Feb 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 29 Sept 2023

AUG 2024 CFA exam registration window closed on 14 May 2024.

Aug 2024 Level 3 Fees WHEN?
$940 early registration fee until 23 Jan 2024
$1250 standard registration fee until 14 May 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 17 July 2024

Aug 2024 Level 3 scheduling window: 14 Nov 2023 – 21 May 2024 | L3 EXAM: 16-19 Aug 2024

Pay by Invoice deadline: 4 Apr 2023

2025 CFA Exam Fees Are Even Higher!

2025 Level 1 CFA Exam Fees and Deadlines

The deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET.

FEB 2025 CFA exam registration window opens on 9 May 2024.

Feb 2025 Level 1 Fees WHEN?
$990 early registration fee until 9 July 2024
$1290 standard registration fee until 7 Nov 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 18 Jan 2025

Feb 2025 Level 1 scheduling window: 9 May – 12 Nov 2024 | L1 EXAM: 17-23 Feb 2025

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 Sept 2024

MAY 2025 CFA exam registration window opens on 8 Aug 2024.

May 2025 Level 1 Fees WHEN?
$350 enrollment fee at registration if applicable
$990 early registration fee until 16 Oct 2024
$1290 standard registration fee until 6 Feb 2025
$250 rescheduling fee until 14 Apr 2025

May 2025 Level 1 scheduling window: 8 Aug 2024 – 11 Feb 2025 | L1 EXAM: 14-20 May 2025

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 Dec 2024

2025 Level 2 CFA Exam Fees and Deadlines

The deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET.

MAY 2025 CFA exam registration window opens on 8 Aug 2024.

May 2025 Level 2 Fees WHEN?
$350 enrollment fee at registration if applicable
$990 (or more) early registration fee until 16 Oct 2024
$1290 (or more) standard registration fee until 6 Feb 2025
$250 rescheduling fee until 14 Apr 2025

May 2025 Level 2 scheduling window: 8 Aug 2024 – 11 Feb 2025 | L2 EXAM: 21-25 May 2025

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 Dec 2024

2025 Level 3 CFA Exam Fees and Deadlines

The deadlines end at 11:59 p.m. ET.

FEB 2025 CFA exam registration window opens on 9 May 2024.

Feb 2025 Level 3 Fees WHEN?
$1090 early registration fee until 9 July 2024
$1390 standard registration fee until 7 Nov 2024
$250 rescheduling fee until 18 Jan 2025

Feb 2025 Level 3 scheduling window: 9 May – 12 Nov 2024 | L3 EXAM: 13-16 Feb 2025

Pay by Invoice deadline: 28 Sept 2024


  • enrollment fee:
    obligatory first level 1 exam only USD 350 one-time payment
  • registration fee:
    obligatory all 3 levels each exam you take or retake over USD 900 or over USD 1200 depending on when you register
  • rescheduling fee:
    optional all 3 levels each exam you take or retake USD 250 per exam re-appointment
  • cost of print version of the curriculum:
    optional all 3 levels around USD 299 plus shipping fee per level post-registration

CFA Exam Cost:
How Much Will I Pay for 3 Exam Levels?

The minimum total cost of the CFA Program is now USD 3170, which includes a one-time enrollment fee of USD 350 and a discounted early registration fee for the 3 levels of the CFA exam. It means that if you start your CFA exam adventure in 2024, you'll pay no less than USD 3170. This value is up as of 2024 from the previous USD 3050. Unfortunatelly, it grows with every CFA exam you take in 2025 due to the increasing registration fees as shown above.

(all 3 levels) as of 2024:
USD 350 of enrollment fee
+ 3 x USD 940 of early registration fee = USD 3170
(no rescheduling nor any additional costs included)

The minimum total CFA exam cost of USD 3170 leaves out any other costs, e.g. printed curriculum or additional study materials. Also, it allows no retakes or rescheduling. While rescheduling is an option you can surely do without, you will likely need to retake an exam or two before you actually pass all 3 levels of your CFA exam.

Scholarships May Reduce Your CFA Exam Cost

The lowest CFA exam cost available to CFA candidates is when they are eligible for CFA Institute Access Scholarship which waives the enrollment fee and reduces the registration fee to USD 250. If the Access Scholarship is awarded to you for each level, then you may cut your total CFA exam cost down to 3x250 = USD 750! (assuming you always pass at the first attempt).

Also, CFA Institute Women’s Scholarships waive the enrollment fee and reduce the registration fee to USD 350. If you are awarded the scholarship for each level, your total CFA exam cost may be reduced to 3x350 = USD 1050

Reduce CFA exam cost:
check your scholarship eligibility

Any Other CFA Exam Costs?

CFA exam fees are the direct cost. But there are also some indirect costs which may include:

  • time,
  • cost of study materials,
  • travel costs (exam day),
  • accommodation costs (exam day),
  • lost opportunities, etc.

Time is a valuable currency – there’s no denying it. One of the time-related truths about the CFA exam is that: the later you start your CFA exam prep, the lower your chance to pass gets!

There’s no need to put it off. You want to be smart and responsible about your CFA exam prep. You can join us by creating a free CFA exam study plan where you'll be able to:

  • manage your study time effectively,
  • see your chance to pass grow as you progress,
  • unlock all the study tools and review apps inside your study plan.

Our study planner may be used with any kind of study resources because we know that CFA Program candidates like to use different study aids when preparing for their exam. In the market, you’ll find a whole spectrum of study materials ranging in price and quality. We go for easy solutions great for studying and revision /levels 1 & 2/: (1) bite-sized videos, (2) exam-type questions you can generate into tests varying in length and difficulty, (3) formulas you can view inside our special app, (4) abridged topic notes in the form of short printable e-books.

CFA Exam Course Fee at Soleadea

The course fee for using our CFA exam platform is groundbreaking!

You can have your CFA exam study plan + some extra study/review materials such as videos, practice questions, mocks, or e-books that can help you better prepare for your CFA exam at a fee you choose! Our Pay-What-You-Can policy allows you to go for the monthly fee you can afford and you get access to everything we currently offer.

Once again: The sooner you start to prepare for your exam, the better results you can expect.

AND REMEMBER: Each time you fail an exam, you lose not only your time and the money you paid for the exam but also an opportunity for promotion and thus a better salary. Of course, each retake means new costs, including another exam fee plus another travel and accommodation costs on the exam day.

When To Start My CFA Exam Prep?

Create Study Plan for FREE

We’ll remind you when your prep starts

About Soleadea:

Our CFA Exam Study Planner is available to candidates of all levels at groundbreaking Pay-What-You-Can prices. You decide how much you want to pay for our services. After you activate your account, you get unlimited access to our Study Planner 4.0 with study lessons inside, various level 1/level 2 study materials & tools, regular review sessions, and a holistic growth approach to your preparation. Join

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UPDATED: Apr 29, 2024