CFA® Institute Access Scholarship Rules Summarized

Updated: March 06, 2025

CFA exam / Scholarships / ACCESS SCHOLARSHIP

CFA Exam Access Scholarship Rules

  1. Summary of Key Access Scholarship Rules
  2. What’s CFA Program Access Scholarship?
  3. Who Can Apply for Access Scholarship?
  4. Conflicts of Interest – Be Honest
  5. How to Apply for Access Scholarship?
  6. Access Scholarship Awards
  7. Access Scholarship Validity
  8. Privacy Note

Summary of Key Access Scholarship Rules

CFA Institute has come up with some Access Scholarship Rules that make the award of the scholarship more fair and transparent. You should get to know these rules if you want to apply for your CFA exam Access Scholarship. The Access Scholarship Rules define both the scholarship eligibility criteria and some additional conditions like scholarship validity.

Here’s a breakdown of the key rules:

What’s CFA Program Access Scholarship?

The Access Scholarship is offered by CFA Institute for their CFA Program to ease access to CFA exams. Access Scholarship is designed to help people who want to take the CFA exam but may struggle to afford the full cost. If awarded, you will pay only USD 400 at exam registration, which is the greatest financial benefit offered to CFA candidates.

Who Can Apply for Access Scholarship?

There’s no specific income limit but the most important qualification criterion is financial need.

Access Scholarship is for those who:

You CANNOT apply for Access Scholarship if:

  • You’re already registered for the exam (until you get your results).
  • You have an unused CFA exam scholarship in your account.
  • Your employer helps pay for the CFA exam (e.g., reimburses you).

Conflicts of Interest – Be Honest

CFA Institute wants the scholarship process to be fair and ethical, so you must disclose any conflicts of interest. Your application may be rejected if:

  • You’re related to someone who works at CFA Institute or a local CFA society.
  • You offer money or favors in exchange for a scholarship.
  • You’ve worked for CFA Institute or a CFA society in the past.
  • You’ve faced disciplinary action from CFA Institute.
  • You’ve done anything that could hurt CFA Institute’s reputation.

How to Apply for Access Scholarship?

Keep these 3 application guidelines in mind when applying for your Access Scholarship:

  • Apply through the CFA website before the deadline.
  • Everything you submit must be accurate. CFA Institute may ask for financial proof or ID as part of an audit. If you don’t provide it, your application (or scholarship) may be canceled.
  • DO NOT register for the CFA exam while your scholarship application is pending. Why? This would prove that you can pay the fees and, as a result, your scholarship application would be voided.

Access Scholarship Awards

CFA Institute decides who gets a scholarship, and their decision is final. The scholarship covers a discounted registration fee and digital study materials. You’ll still have to pay for other expenses, like travel, a passport, or extra study materials.

Access Scholarship Validity

How long is CFA exam Access Scholarship valid?

Access Scholarship is valid for one exam cycle only, and you must register before it expires. Your Access Scholarship expiration date is listed in the scholarship award email so make sure you get it right.

CFA Institute takes it seriously.

If you don’t use your scholarship (by not registering, missing the exam, canceling, or withdrawing), you won’t be eligible for another one.

There are also some very important additional conditions:

  • You can’t defer your exam unless it’s an emergency (and CFA Institute approves it, only then is a free CFA exam emergency deferral possible!).
  • You must reapply for future exams (even at a different level).
  • You can only attempt the exam twice per level if using a scholarship.
  • Scholarships are non-transferable, which means you can’t sell them or give them away.

Privacy Note

Your local CFA society will see your name, email, and whether you were awarded a scholarship, but this follows CFA Institute’s privacy policies.

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PUBLISHED: March 6, 2025

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